Our Impact

Resource-recycling manufacturing

Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. is promoting factory waste reduction (Zero emission) to realize recycling-oriented society.

Factory Waste Reduction (Zero Emission)

From the viewpoint of effective use of resources, by reducing amount of factory waste and increasing amount of recovering valuables and resources recycled, we are working to eliminate amount of landfill*1 to as close to zero.
We achieved 99.44% of the factory waste recycling rate*2 in fiscal 2023.
We continues activities to improve factory waste recycling rate and promote zero emission*3 in this year.


  • Amount of landfill = Amount of waste disposed at landfill site
  • Factory waste recycling rate = Amount of resources recycled / (Amount of resources recycled + Amount of landfill)
  • Zero emission = Factory waste recycling rate: 99% or higher(Definition by Panasonic)

We are promoting following measures for waste reduction on global basis, reducing waste.

  • Improvement in productivity of process equipment
  • Improvement in yield ratio
  • Reuse of liquid medicine and resin
  • Recovering valuables from waste
  • Holding Network Event for Waste Reduction and Recovering Valuables from Waste to share case examples
Waste management seminar in Japan​
Waste management seminar in Japan​
On-site inspection of waste management in Thailand​​
On-site inspection of waste management in Thailand​​

Japan : Activity of plastic resources

Result of Waste Plastics in Japan Target
FY2022 FY2023
Waste plastic generation [t] 672.87 713.49 Waste plastic recycling ratio
Japan : 99% or more
Recycled amount [t] 637.77 695.04
Final disposal amount [t] 15.10 18.45
Recycling rate*3 [%] 94.78% 97.41%

This is information disclosure in accordance with Japanese legal requirements.
We promote recycling plastic waste.
Regarding the recycling rate, the target was not achieved due to an increase in the amount generated and final disposal amount due to changes in product specifications.