Our Impact
Initiatives to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Chemical Substances
Management of Chemical Substances in Products
Based on Panasonic Group's view of reduction of environmental impact by chemical substances, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. provides solutions to customers globally "to achieve a sustainable society" and "to minimize an impact on the environment" through our products for wide range of industries, such as automotive, and electronic devices.
Communication in the Supply Chain (Information transmission on chemical substances)
With "Product Chemical Substance Management System," Panasonic collects information on components, devices and materials distributed by suppliers, and quickly responds to survey requests from customers on chemical substances contained in products. From October 2020, Panasonic unified the form of information transmission for suppliers to IMDS※, global standard for automotive industry, reducing workload in the supply chain.
- IMDS: International Material Data System, Global material data transmission system for automotive industry

Management of Chemical Substances at Factories
Panasonic Group manages chemical substances according to "Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines (for factories)", by selecting chemical substances that are hazardous to human health and environment based on major laws and regulations on chemical substances. In addition, Panasonic developed "Human Environment Impact (HEI)", by adding hazardousness index to each substance weighted based on its hazardousness.
We that uses various chemical substances in manufacturing products for wide range of industries is working on reduction of human environment impact through activities, such as use of alternative materials, development of production process to reduce transfer amount, and promotion of recycling of wastes.

Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines
To promote our initiatives clearly, we set forth "Chemical Substances Management Guidelines". The Guidelines aims to specify which chemical substances should be prohibited for use or be controlled both for products and for factories. The Company requests adherence to the Guidelines not only within our company but also to our suppliers.
Panasonic Group Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines (for Product)
Panasonic Group Chemical Substances Management Rank Guidelines (for Factory)
Green Procurement Standards
The above documents can be downloaded from the following Panasonic homepage.