Our Impact
Environmental Sustainability
To achieve a better life for each person, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. will create sustainable mobility society and new user value, fulfilling both improvement of environmental contribution and business growth.

Approach and Results Toward Achieving Environmental Goals
Environmental Management
At Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd., we have established issue-specific committees and developed a structure that facilitates global collaboration and promotion, allowing us to undertake various initiatives aimed at achieving effective environmental management.

Initiatives for a Carbon-Neutral Society

Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. aims to be especially proactive in promoting “expanding its contribution to reducing CO2 emissions of society”. In addition to the energy conservation initiatives of all employees, the company achieved virtually zero CO2 emissions from its operations in January 2023 by adopting renewable energy and operating with electricity derived from 100% renewable energy sources.
Initiatives to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Chemical Substances
Based on the concept of reducing the impact of chemical substances on the environment, we provide solutions for the realization of a sustainable society and the minimization of environmental impact to our customers globally.

Efforts Toward Resource Circulation

To help achieve a circular society, we are working to reach zero emissions by reducing factory waste, minimizing the amount of waste generated, and increasing the recycling and recovery of valuable materials.
Environmental Communication
Each and every employee around the world is implementing environmental activities as a global citizen, and is trying to contribute to regional environment. Here are examples of such activities.

Environmental Performance Data

Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. reports environmental activity of all major manufacturing sites.
Path to Achieving Environmental Goals Through the Introduction of Renewable Energy in Our Operations
February 2024
Start of Corporate PPA Power Supply - Full-scale launch aimed at achieving a 10% self-sufficiency rate in renewable energy by 2025 -
Starting in February 2024, we began purchasing renewable energy through a Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) from power generation facilities financed by third parties. This initiative has been implemented at our Yokohama site and will expand to other domestic locations.
April 2024
Installation and Completion of Solar Power Facilities via Onsite PPA at Panasonic AS Malaysia Co., Ltd.
Panasonic AS Malaysia Co., Ltd. has installed and completed solar power facilities as part of its efforts to expand the use of renewable energy. This marks the first onsite PPA power supply scheme utilizing third-party financing within the PAS group.
June 2024
Installation and Completion of Solar Power Facilities at Saedo Vehicle Test Site (Yokohama)
At our Saedo Vehicle Test Site in Yokohama, we have installed and completed self-funded solar power facilities. This new system includes carport solar panels, storage batteries, V2H (Vehicle-to-Home), and an energy management system. It will cover approximately 38% of the energy needs of the Saedo Vehicle Test Site and enable power supply from electric vehicles during emergencies.
July 2024
Installation and Completion of Solar Power Facilities at Matsumoto Site (Nagano Prefecture)
At the Matsumoto site in Nagano Prefecture, we have installed and completed self-funded solar power facilities. This new system includes carport solar panels and storage batteries, which can also serve as an emergency power supply during crises.
To increase our use of renewable energy to 50%, we are promoting self-investment and the use of PPAs at our global sites.
In addition to aiming for our 2030 environmental goals, we are committed to making a greater contribution to the global environment by implementing self-investment and PPAs across Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. worldwide.
What is a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement)?
A PPA is a mechanism through which entities such as municipalities and companies enter into long-term contracts with power producers and retail electricity suppliers for the procurement of renewable electricity. Generally, these contracts have a duration of 10 to 20 years. Depending on the location of the PPA and the contract structure, the following terms may be used:

- On-site PPA: A system where the power producer (PPA provider) installs generation equipment on the premises of the electricity consumer to supply electricity.
- Off-site PPA: A system where the power producer (PPA provider) installs generation equipment outside the premises of the electricity consumer and provides electricity to specific consumers via the general transmission grid.
- Corporate PPA: A system led by a company’s corporate department that implements on-site and off-site PPAs at its subsidiary facilities to supply electricity.