Cockpit integrated solutions
Cockpit integrated solutions that improve vehicle value
To keep up with technological innovations in these areas, such as CASE, we are dedicated to providing uniquely Panasonic, cockpit integrated solutions that enhance the value of the vehicle itself.

The technological trends that support the evolution of cars are digital technology and software
A safe and comfortable cockpit space is the vehicle’s nerve center - a condensation of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, sensors, augmented reality (AR), and other advanced technologies. Panasonic holds a major share of the world’s IVI market as market leaders in in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems.
Vehicles are rapidly evolving. And underlying this evolution are the technical trends of digital technologies and software. As a result, the amount of software installed in vehicles is increasing exponentially.
The computer (ECU: Electronic Control Unit) architecture of vehicles is also changing considerably. Basically, there is a shift from the traditional structure of the separate control of the vehicle’s parts by 100 ECU to the sophisticated control of the cockpit and automated driving by several large-scale, in-vehicle computers equipped with complex algorithms and AI.
To develop these complex and large-scale systems, we need to use our product development platform and development capabilities, and also collaborate with global IT players and car manufacturers. Panasonic has been collaborating with a broad range of companies, and promoting initiatives aimed at the industry standardization of various technologies. These cumulative efforts are powerfully propelling the development of our cockpit integrated solutions, and giving us an exceptional competitive edge.

Cockpit domain controller integrated control of a wide range of cockpit products
We have solid achievements in our extensive range of cockpit products. With our strength of integrated technologies to enable the integrated control of these products with the in-vehicle computer cockpit domain controller, we are striving to bring further assistance to the drastically changing automobile industry.