Power Up with a Side Job (3) Cost-consciousness Improved with a Management Perspective

What kind of side job do you have?
I shoot and record video of events and produce videos to be posted on social media, etc. I have many opportunities to edit videos as a hobby and was asked for help by people who saw my work. Originally, I was doing it for free as a friend, but they insisted on paying me for it, and since side jobs were systemized at the right time, I decided to do it as a full-fledged job. Currently, I am often asked to do work by word of mouth or through referrals from people who have given me work.

- A short video explaining Mr. Ueda’s video production. This video is also self-made.
He is also involved in an advertising agency which focuses on video production (Office Blossom, Inc. ), as vice president.
I get quite busy when the peak periods of development of my day job and the deadlines of my side job coincide. I work late, then start editing, and edit on weekends as well. It helps that I work remotely and do not commute. Fortunately, my wife is supportive of my side job and helps me with my work during the busy season, but I try not to ask too much.
Are there any areas you would like to be involved in the future?
I would like to expand my activities and play a role in the community where I live. It would be great if I could help promote local independent stores, etc., leveraging my light footwork as an individual. I think there are many other opportunities to use video within the company, for example, in communicating awards ceremonies and other events, and I would be happy to be of help.
What advice would you give to those who want to try a side job?
I was in a different field from my day job, but I think it is a good idea to start with something small at a hobby level in an area where you can use your skills, and then take on a full-scale challenge. I think that by being stimulated by a side job, you will be able to face your day job with a fresh mind.
In addition, my cost-consciousness has changed dramatically since I became a manager. For example, I reflect the years of depreciation invested in the video production equipment in my prices, and I think about my own work unit price. This has also influenced my day job. For example, I now think about costs and how much I need to charge for a request to change specifications.
The benefits of a side job are greater than I had expected. If there is something you want to do, I encourage you to try it without fear.