Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. Panasonic AUTOMOTIVE



Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.
WELL Cabin

Story02WELL Cabin

Providing a New Experience
in Moving Vehicle

WELL Cabin

As automated driving and electrification advance, the way we use vehicles is also changing. We are developing a new vehicle cabin, the WELL Cabin, to enhance not only for simple transportation, but also the experience during and after the journey, using the time in transit to enhance the feelings of the passengers.

OMO* Transportation Service


A service to transport wealthy inbound travelers, to and from sightseeing and sporting event destinations. Through its high-quality vehicle interiors, it creates a sense of excitement through high-quality hospitality.

*OMO: Online Merges with Offline A marketing method that enhances the experiential value by fusing the real experience and the digital contents.

OMO Transportation Service
VIP Moving Office Space

VIP Moving Office Space

For business executives who are required to make important decisions and assessments on a continuous basis. We create a comfortable second office in a vehicle, a space for both efficient work and relaxation.

VIP Moving Office Space

System Components

Features hardware such as a large 55-inch transparent display, 3D high-resolution sound system, vibration seats, and scented diffuser. Original space control software is played back on an immersive large screen, while high-quality sound and vibration create a realistic vehicle interior.

迫力の55インチ大画面表示Powerful 55-inch large screen display

前方が透過するので、圧迫感なしFront screen is transparent, preventing a sense of oppressive confinement

映像・音・光・香りで空間全体を演出Interior filled with images, sound, lighting, and fragrances

Examples of the value we deliver and the technologies that make it possible

  • Transparent display that can control the transparency.
  • Sound creation technology and acoustic devices that appeal to people’s heart in non-audible sound ranges.
  • Emotionally guided content that appeals to the human senses through a combination of images, acoustics, and lighting, and the human sensing and understanding technology that produces them.

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